The JS Supremacy

js == job success...joyful skillset...!


2 min read

Hello all.

I'm out of topics today. Can't recall anything.

So, it is time to talk about the big blue whale in the pond. Javascript!

It goes without saying, JavaScript is everywhere.

As a full-stack developer or front-end developer there is no way you can ignore Javascript. HTML, CSS and Javascript(frameworks...) is literally what drives businesses in today's world. No customer or client cares about what happens in the back-end. They just want it to work.

UI/UX is the king of today. Take for example below:


It is obvious that the left sided form is better to engage with. To go one-step further, typeform gives a different outlook.


Even more fun to interact with. Swift and cartoonish UI. Could work much better for informal or custom forms.

But aren't these mostly CSS related?

True. CSS is another God as well just like the many pre-existing Gods and relegions out there! :p


If you know basic JS there is DOM manipulation that helps you modify elements on your page onClick().

There are also many JS frameworks like ReactJs, VueJs, AngularJs, etc...

Also backend-frameworks such as node.js, express.js, ember.js, etc...

To bundle Javascript into an application we use JS bundlers. The most famous one in use for Rails is Webpacker. ESBuild is the fastest bundler that's currently in use.

Rails 7 uses ESBuild as its default bundler instead of Webpacker as used in the previous versions.

I will show a working esbuild project in the future articles.

If you are passionate about being a backend developer it is not necessary that you master Javascript but it goes without saying that Javascript is an indispensable element to your skillset if you're building your career in web development.

Thats it for today! More coming soon...

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