rails g model Comment body:string references:post
# references to :post implies relationship between both tables :posts and :comments
We created a new model comment with references to post.
# app/models/comment.rb
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :post
# implies that an instance of Comment belongs to one instance of Post
Likewise in Post model:
# app/models/post.rb
class Post < ApplicationRecord
has_many :comments
# implies that each instance of Post may have many instances of Comment
The above migration while creating the model Comment would be something like this:
class CreateComments < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
# ...
add_reference :posts, :comment, foreign_key: true
# the first symbol [:posts] refers to the table we are changing
# the second [:comment] refers to the table we are forming a relation with
# "foreign_key :true" simply means the table :comments will employ a foreign_key :post_id that refers
# to the primary_key :id of :posts table
Learn more about it below:
As you can imagine, comments can have the same :post_id which would mean that the Post(:post_id) have the said comments.
We can simply retrieve a post's comments by a really intuitive simple query:
@post = Post.find(:id)
# Returns all the comment objects that belongs to the Post: @post
One of the reasons why I love Ruby and is called a Programmer's best friend is how intuitive, simple and straight-forward it is.
Cutting it short today. See y'all later.
In the next article, we shall discuss about Ruby version managers .rbenv and .rvm.
See ya!
liked_the_post == true ? comment and share : comment and share