In college, I did a little C/C++ learning and was introduced to Object-Oriented Programming. Excited, I dived a little deep into it and as usual lost interest in a few days as I do with every multiple pursuits of passions/interests I embark upon :p
Fast-forwarding through four years of pure unpleasant tragic-comedy rom-com hopeless-depressed-single phase of my life AKA :college, yet another depressing evening my friend(my rails mentor/inspiration) calls me up for a lil catch-up of our “life” and told me how he had become a self-taught Ruby/RoR developer, gained a little over than a year experience working for several startups and is now working in a reputed 100% remote US based company earning six-figures. Obviously, the conversation led to a weekend of premium whiskey and laughs and cries with a rock-on hangover the next morning.
Such spiritually enlightening experience led me to start learning Ruby and Rails framework and a reason I believed enough to get out of bed.
Is an object-oriented high level programming language which is goofily called “a Programmer’s best friend”. It really is. When I first started with Rails and couldn’t believe how simple and easy it was to create a full-stack web application within minutes and minimal commands, so I skimmed through the docs and didn’t really try to understand the idea behind Ruby.
Anyway I went ahead and built a basic social media clone.
rails g scaffold Post title:string body:string
# g -> short for 'generate'
The above command generates everything for ‘Post’, the Model, the Views and the Controllers.
And we have a full-stack app now.
Before I bore myself to sleep here, make sure to read my next article to know what are models, views and controllers.
Good night, my children!